Dear Mum, happy birthday!
Our awesome present is...
Us lah! We adik beradik kan awesome. Muahahahaha. That's hardcore true fact.
Still we cannot beat the brilliant mind of you and dad.
I'm telling you, my mum can jadi doctor if she wants to (She have 9 children, I bet she can be great O&G specialist) Tapi her ambition really about nak belajar oversea je.
She told me masa interview with JPA during her time, the officer asked her "What course do you want?"
She answered "Sir, you give me any course as long as I can study abroad."
"Then, if we offer you Electrical Engineering, would you accept it?"
"Can you manage it?" they asked.
"Ofcourse sir," she replied macam confident gila.
Then, she got accepted into Nottingham. Once, tengok her pictures during her time dekat sana. She didn't take any picture dekat faculty dia, instead my mum and my grandparents took a picture depan faculty of medicine (Funny story: My cousin yang tengah study medicine too, same age as me took a picture depan faculty of engineering, Nottingham U). Oh, my grandparents dulu guru besar. Guru besar kahwin with another guru besar. Hahahaha. Tapi, they sekali je la datang lawat my mum there sebab masa tuh my mum is about to get married to my dad.
Their love story sangat sweet. (FYI, my dad is younger than my mum by 13 days apart, heeee)
My mum and dad dulu SBP sama-sama. They were in the same class masa form 4 and 5. I don't remember much, but masa form 4 either my dad or mum yang ketua kelas, and the other penolong. Form 5, vice versa. Masa tuh they said diorang memang tak friendly pun. Takde pun "teman tapi mesra" or kawan. They were just classmate. Period.
Plus they even compete each other for first place in class. Either mum or dad yang dapat first place in every exam. =.= Diorang punya anak tak macam nih pun. Me lagi la, pernah dapat tempat ke 2 for first time and that is the last time.
Anyway, back to the story. My mum studied dekat Nottingham and my dad study dekat......
No it is not Nottingham, instead it was Birmingham. Heeee. They were roughly 75 km away.
They all tak tahu pun they both study dekat UK. Hahahaha. I'm not sure how they met. Maybe masa Malaysian students gather during festive season kot.
So after they realized that both of them study in the same country, they keep in touch. My dad tulis surat to my mum (if you see my dad, you wouldn't believe my dad did that. okay to help you, imagine me writing love letter to eheem.. anyone.) Suweeeiittt! Long distance relationship.
I can't remember how my dad proposed my mum masa dekat sana. But I know that my dad ask my grandpa masa diorang balik Malaysia for semester break. My dad told me "Oh abah tahu atok memang guru besar yang garang. Masa jumpa, abah nampak ada sorang pakcik tengah basuh kereta. Dekat halaman rumah ada sorang budak kecik (that's my abang saudara) tengah main main. Abah bagi salam. And the story unfolds itself"
They can get married masa dekat Malaysia kan? But tak boleh sebab cuti sekejap sahaja. Since my uncle pun study dekat UK (I think dekat York), he look after his sister. Diorang memang best la akhirnya their parents datang. Dah la masa tuh tengah spring. My grandma went head over heels dengan flowers dekat sana. My dad's parents tak dapat datang since they couldn't afford it, so sad :( (okay tengah sedih teringat dekat atok pilah). Diorang picnic after akad nikah. Takde reception pun masa tuh.
After that, they focused on their study. They went back and forth lawat each other. ^^
Few months before my mum graduation day, my mum decided nak lahirkan my bro dekat Malaysia (oh, dia malas nak handle all the paperworks and longstay after delivery) so they balik Malaysia early before graduation day tuh. Hahahaha so that my bro tak la brag kalau birth certificate dia show dia lahir dekat sana. Pfft.
My picture during childhood memang a few because me myself is the photographer. Hahahaha XD
Tra, Aken, Aan (Taken by yours truly ofcourse)
(Aken and Tra, adorable la diorang nih, you should see them sekarang. Selalu bergaduh, tsk tsk)
(ofcourse, they were my subjects kalau camera is in my hand)
(FYI, I was standard 3 and Aken first time masuk tadika. I had to accompany him throughout his class sebab I have school in afternoon session. Oh! Aan looks like Gary!)
(Moi sister. Dia sampai sekarang tak pernah berubah muka)
(My brothers!)
(Aken macam bukan adik kitorang, he's so different sebab mata dia sangat bulat)
(See the difference? His brother mata sepet and he himself mata bulat. Me? Closed eyeeees)
(Joey masa kecil before he start dieting and exercise. Blame my sis and cousins yang suka belanja dia. Float + Secret Recipe, OMG)