Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Now I Realized That

It's the 6th semester! OMG

With God's blessing, we will finish this whole 10 yards in no time.

Hahaha, now after a long hiatus I am back with this post. Somebody (yeah, you) actually did read this blog. Memang kantoi la whatever that I wrote in previous post. Itula, share lagi gambar budak russia tuh. Hahahaha.

Currently in O&G posting. My impression? It is interesting, but I can't really grasp on the art of history taking for O&G cases. I know there's no much difference in medicine, but HOPI in O&G is dead serious susah to obtain. It differs from medicine because you have to get full details of chief complaint, ANC, planned management for the patient, as well as patient's progress to treatment. In addition to that, you have to include further management for this patient. Ifu you get the wrong information (e.g investigation result that you get from patient by mouth), memang dead la. My friend get scolded sebab dapat the wrong result for MOGTT. Since you can't refer to patient's ticket, your patient is your database. Problem with that, patient that we clerked macam malas to give the information and told us to get those info from their record. Macam mana la long case nanti...

Today ada lecture regarding IUGR. I am IUGR baby! Mum said she scared to bath me and let my grandma do the job for her. I was so tiny that she can hold me with one hand only. But of course, I catch up later on in life. I have increased risk of hypertension and DM. So, I've made Patrick Stump my idol! Dia pre-diabetic, and he realised he need to shed some weight. He did it! He's cute and chubby during his glorious time with FOB. Now, he's like this cool adorable guy. Member cakap I smiled like him. No, I did not. =.=

1 comment:

  1. gara-gara gmba bdk russia tuh..ahahaha..
    ps: lain kali plz cari gmba yg plg cute dlu bru send ;)
